Pheochromocytoma: The Last Episode

Filmmaker Attiya Khan contacted the Pheo Para Alliance just before Rare Disease Day last year to talk about her diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. Naturally, we asked her if she’d consider participating in our annual NET Cancer Day PSA. To our great delight, she said yes!

Attiya’s video made a great impression on World NET Cancer Day 2017, striking a chord not just among those with pheo/para, but among many throughout the greater NET Cancer community. While we wait to hear whether a much-anticipated longer movie materializes, we’d like to invite out visitors to take another look at her brave and unflinching short film, Pheochromocytoma: The Last Episode

Author: The Pheo Para Project

An ongoing video project, documenting patient stories, as told by patients and their families. Look for our steam on YouTube

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